Community Energetics

Community energetics has recently become a frequent and modern word in the media, ministries, distributors. A lot is written about community energy on the website of the ASSOCIATION OF COMMUNITY ENERGETICS OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC (akecr.cz).
I attended the Smart Energy Forum 2022 conference – the 8th annual international conference and exhibition, where they intensively dedicated themselves to this topic.
Nevertheless, while being at the conference, I still missed the point, the idea being hidden within. I understand that it is nice to produce electricity from the PV power plant at the football stadium within the municipality and then turn on the lights in the village at night with this electricity. I understand that if community energetics is in vogue in Germany, it probably won't be nonsense.
Yet I still missed the point of what was happening and why. Why should a football club sell electricity to a municipality for a few crowns when it can be sold in more profitable and expensive way? Why is it all happening.
Then it began to dawn on me…
In principle, we are at the beginning of a major energy transformation, to decentralize the energy sector, when there will no longer huge coal-fired power plants (we are running out of the coal resources there will be no coal) There is no sufficient time and resources to build more nuclear power plants (and definitely it does not make any more sense to do so). Energy technology has progressed and evolved so far that everyone who has some space at their disposal (a roof, a piece of a land, etc.) is able to produce energy themselves.
And then in the second step, when the person has it, he can continue to dispose of it, sell it, buy it even in the spot mode.
Thus, we are at the beginning of a transformation where the "wires" will be accessible not only to the big players producing energy but to the small producers as well. It is the same case as when the Czech Railways was transformed, when the tracks were separated from the engines, and lo and behold, we now have the competition from Student Agency, Leo Express and others.
The same scenario will start from 1 January 2023 with the new Energy Act, where most likely through different distribution tariffs, space for small sources and energy sales between small entities will begin to be freed up.
How exactly such a change will unfold is currently unknown, even the initiators of these changes themselves did not reveal exact schemes, but they present it as follows: "let's do it, we have to start a change that can be corrected over time depending on behaviour and course it’ll take". I fully understand their enthusiasm and intention because in principle we have little left to do and to choose from.
We are connected to sources of information so that we can provide our clients and customers with the up-to-date news on how the energy and service market evolves and which course it takes. To be able to offer our customers solutions and innovations which can be acquired for even better use of energy resources produced with the systems built by our company.
We already offer the possibility of spot prices for the purchase/sale of electricity. For instance, in the case of a high price on the stock exchange to sell electricity and discharge batteries and on contrary at times of low prices charge batteries.
The systems we currently build are flexible enough to make changes in the future due to current legislative and economic changes. We are already looking forward to see how you will be capable to distribute the energy from the roof of the company (or any other adequate place) to your house or to the apartment of your parents.
About company ENESO
Company ENESO was founded in 2009 and since its origin has been engaged in design-implementation-service of photothermal and photovoltaic solar systems, electronic security systems, GSM cameras and heating. Solar panels are used for year-round water heating in homes and are designed to make the most of the impact of the solar rays throughout the year, while at the same time returning the initial investment as quickly as possible.
More about company ENESO14
years on
the market
Eneso s.r.o.
Headquarters: Žitavská 56/50, 460 01 Liberec (map)
Prague office: Podnikatelská 565, 190 11 Praha 9 - Běchovice (Areál BĚCHOVICE KKIG budova 10A) (mapa)
Brno office: Božetěchova 133,
612 00 Brno - Královo Pole (map)
Owner & executive director: Ing. Alois Láska, Ph.D.
Phone: +420 605 502 676
Email: alois.laska@eneso.cz
IN: 22772804 │ TIN: CZ22772804
File mark:
C 30960 registered at the Regional Court in Ústí nad Labem
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