Installation of a heat pump air-to-water consisting of: outdoor unit Mitsubishi Zubadan Inverter-New Generation PUD-SHWM120YAA and indoor unit EHST20D-YM9ED equipped with an integrated accumulation vessel - 200 L and subsequent integration into the existing heating system - Jičín - 2021
Installation of a photothermal system constisting of 5 collectors Suntime 2.1, reconstruction of a boiler room along with implementation of an accumulation vessel Dražice NADO 1000/35 v6 and subsequent connection to the existing heating system - Prague-Modřany - 2020
Installation of a heat pump air-water Mitsubishi Zubadan 14kW with a coolant exchanger located directly in the accumulation vessel TECHTRANS PAST 750 L - Jablonné v Podještědí - 2012
Installation of a solar photothermal system for the preparation of DHW and additional heating, including connection to the existing gas boiler system - Turnov - 2017
Installation of a photothermal system consisting of 8 8 Suntime 2.1 photothermal collectors, distribution systems, pump group and further implementation into the existing heating system and DHW preparation together with the addition of an accumulation vessel TECHTRANS PAST 750 L - Chrastava - 2010
Installation of photothermal solar collectors, DHW along with accumulation vessel and auxiliary heaters conducted into the swimming pool - Brada-rybníček - 2010
Adaptation of a photothermal solar system with an accumulation vessel into a building consisting of previously installed underfloor heating / radiators and a hot water fireplace insert - Heřmanice - 2010
Installation of a photothermal system along with an accumulation vessel HUCH - 800 L - and subsequent connection of the distribution to the existing boiler room equipped with an automatic coal-fired boiler - Rumburk - 2010
Installation of a solar system consisting of 3 Suntime 2.1 photothermal collectors, distribution systems, pump group. The system was connected to an existing accumulation vessel - Rumburk - 2010
Installation of photothermal solar collectors, DHW along with accumulation vessel and an additional heat supply conducted into the swimming pool - Rynoltice - 2011
Installation of a solar system for heating DHW consisting of 2 Suntime 2.1 photothermal collectors, distribution systems, pump group, regulation and accumulation vessel - 200L - Liberec II - Nové Město - 2011
Installation of a photovoltaic and photothermal system with hot water heating and additional heating for a family semi-detached house - Jablonné v Podještědí - 2011
Installation of a photothermal system together with an accumulation vessel - TECHTRANS PAST 750 L - for heating and preperation of DHW - Chrastava - 2012
Installation of a solar system consisting of 3 Suntime 2.1 photothermal collectors, distribution systems, pump group. The system was connected to an existing accumulation vessel - Jablonec nad Nisou - 2012
Installation of a photothermal system for DHW preparation together with an accumulation vessel - OKC 750 L and along with a heating cartridge TJ 6/4"-4.5 kW - SK Rejšice - 2013
Installation of a photothermal system for the preparation of DHW, including connection to the existing system - Chrastava - 2013
Installation of a solar photothermal system for the preparation of DHW and an additional heating together with an accumulation vessel TECHTRANS PAST 750 L - Jablonné v Podještědí - 2013
Installation of a solar system consisting of 4 Suntime 2.1 photothermal collectors, distribution systems, pump group. The system was connected to an existing accumulation vessel - Liberec XI-Růžodol - 2013
Installation of a solar photothermal system for the preparation of DHW and an additional heating together with an accumulation vessel TECHTRANS PAST 750 L, heat pump air-water Mitsubishi Zubadan 14 kw and heating cartridge TJ 6/4"-4.5 kW - Jablonné v Podještědí - 2013
Installation of a photothermal system for the preparation of DHW and an additional heating together with implementation of an accumulation vessel - NADO 750 L and a heating cartridge TJ 6/4"-4.5 kW - Liberec XXXII-Radčice - 2013
Installation of a solar system consisting of 3 Suntime 2.1 photothermal collectors, distribution systems, pump group. The system was connected to a newly installed accumulation vessel 750 L - Nové Město pod Smrkem - 2013
Installation of a solar thermal system for auxiliary heating and the preparation of DHW and along with a placement of an accumulation vessel TECHTRANS PAST 750 L - Prague - Klánovice - 2014
Installation of Mitsubishi Zubadan 14 kw air-to-water heat pump, underfloor heating and an accumulation vessel TECHTRANS PAST 750 L - Czech Paradise - 2014
Installation of a solar system consisting of 2 (additionally of 3) Suntime 2.1 photothermal collectors, distribution systems, pump group. The system was connected to an existing accumulation vessel - Dětřichov 2010
Installation of a photothermal system for the preparation of DHW and an additional heating with the implementation of an accumulation vessel NADO 750 L - Chrastava - 2014
Installation and implementation of a boiler room with placement of 2 accumulation vessels NADO 1000 L with built-in electric cartridges Dražice g 6/4''-2 5kw, pump group Meibes together with hot and cold water pipelines connected to the heating system cosisting of a heat pump, photothermal system and floor heating - Čelákovice - 2015
Installation of photothermal system for DHW preparation and auxiliary heating with placement of accumulation vessel equipped with heating cartridge dražice i.e. 6/4'-2 5kw with further use of surplus for the water heating of the swimming pool - Liberec XXII-Horní Suchá - 2015
Installation of recuperation system for heating and air exchange - ATREA together with photothermal system for DHW preparation and auxiliary heating and subsequent connection to the heating system of the property - Frýdlant - 2019
Installation of a 1-phase photovoltaic system - 2.1kWp - 7 pcs 300Wp - mains inverter - Axpert VM II 24V 3000W PF1, an accumulation vessel DZD OKCE S 200 L equipped with an electric cartridge TPK 210/12 - 2.2kW with subsequent integration into the heating system - Kněžmost - 2013
Installation of pellet boiler room on Fröling PT4e 120kW boilers, accumulation vessels and distributors - Montanie Resort - 2019
Installation of a condensing gas boiler for heating and DHW preparation together with the installation of a NADO 750 L accumulation vessel and subsequent connection to the existing heating system - Jablonné v Podještědí - 2015
Installation of solar thermal collectors along with a heat pump and an accumulation vessel Techtrans PAST 1200 l - Kunratice u Cvikova - 2012
Installation of solar thermal collectors pluged into an existing accumulation vessel - Rumburk - 2011
Installation of a heating system into a property consisting of 4 solar thermal collectors Suntime 2.1, accumulation vessel NADO 750 l, fireplace insert BEF Aquatic 650 and floor heating Toptherm - 2011
Installation of photothermal solar collectors, DHW along with accumulation vessel and an additional heat supply conducted into the swimming pool - Mníšek pod Brdy - 2010
Installation of a photothermal system for heating and DHW preparation at the diaconia and mission building "At the Savior" - Frýdlant - 2010
Installation of a photothermal system for heating and preparation of DHW and subsequent connection to the accumulation vessel - Varnsdorf - 2010
Installation of a photothermal system together with TECHTRANS PAST accumulation vessel - 750 L - and hot water fireplace inserts - BEF - Liberec - 2010
Installation of a solar thermal system for heating DHW consisting of 2 Suntime 2.1 photothermal collectors, distribution systems, pump group, regulation and 200l accumulation vessel - Oldřichov na Hranicích - 2011
Installation and subsequent integration of a system of solar collectors, a heat pump into the existing system for heating and additional preparation of DHW for the resident whirlpool and swimming pool - Frýdlant (Antonie Resort) - 2012
Installation of a photothermal system for the preparation of DHW plugged into an existing accumulation vessel - Hodkovice nad Mohelkou - 2013
Installation of a photothermal solar system for the preparation of DHW and an additional direct heater drowning excess water in the pool along with an implementation of an accumulation vessel - OKC 200 NTRR/SOL and a heating cartridge TJ 6/4"- 4.5 kW - Jiříkov - 2013
Installation of air-water heat pump Mitsubishi Power Inverter 7.5 kw, an accumulation vessel NADO - 500 L and underfloor heating Tiemme 2x4 together with heating ladders - Velké Přílepy - 2014
Installation of the solar photothermal system - Suntime - for the preparation of DHW including the supply of an accumulation vessel NADO 500 L - Liberec - Ruprechtice - 2014
Installation of air-to-water heat pump - Mitsubishi Zubadan - 23 kW - PUHZ-SHW230YKA/E*SE-**C and further implementation into the existing heating system for heating and preparation of DHW together with an accumulation vessel TECHTRANS PAST 750 L - Žandov u České Lípy - 2016
Installation of air-to-water heat pump Mitsubishi Power Inverter 7.5 kw - PUHZ-SW75VKA and ACV-COF-240 L vessel for preparation of DHW together with Tiemme underfloor heating system, Jablotron control panel, ladders and radiators. The implementation was expanded to also include the implementation of the recuperation Atrea Duplex 370 EC4.D.CF - Liberec II – Nové Město - 2016
Installation of underfloor heating Tiemme together with an accumulation vessel DZD NAD v1 750 L equipped with an electric heating cartridge TJ 6/4" -7.5kW and subsequent connection to the heating system of the property - Liberec - 2017
Installation of a solar photothermal system - Solartime 2.1 for the preparation of DHW and additional heating together with the implementation of an accumulation vessel NADO 500v2 100 L equipped with an electric cartridge TJ 6/4"-6 kW - Rynoltice - 2017
Implementation of a boiler room with the installation of a condensing gas boiler Buderus Logamax plus GB192-30 iT40SW+RC310+GAF-K, pump groups HS25/6 MM100 with a mixer, a construction of a smoke flue and an accumulation vessel DZD NADO 1000/35 v6 - Česká Lípa - 2018
Installation of a new heating system using 2 heat pumps air-to-water - 2x14 kw and its implementation into the existing heating system and 2 accumulation vessels - 2x 1000 L into the apartment building - Prague-Letňany - 2021
Boiler room construction for a new building with the installation of an accumulation vessel TECHTRANS 750 L together with an underfloor heating TIEMME implementation, heating radiators, ladders and convectors - Prague - Klánovice - 2014
Project realization of photovoltaic system - 9,6 kWp 3x1f 14,4kWh and air-water heat pump Mitsubishi Zubadan Inverter - 8 kW - PUHZ-SHW80YAA in cooperation with PV system and subsequent connection to the electrical grid and heating system and the DHW preparation of the property and further connection to the newly placed TECHTRANS PAST 750 L storage tank - Hořice - 2023
Realization of the boiler room construction using the Froling S4 turbo pellet boiler, TECHTRANS accumulation vessels and subsequent integration into the heating system of the newly built hotel including: loading and storage of pellets, installation of a backup power supply using Victron and MaR technologies and installation of a wallbox for charging electric vehicles - Smědava - 2023
Reconstruction of the existing boiler room with subsequent installation of air-to-water heat pump Mitsubishi Zubadan Inverter PUD-SHWM140YAA/EHS-YM9ED - 14kW, accumulation vessel TECHTRANS and parallel installation of photovoltaic system with an output of 9.6 kWp and accumulation of 14.4 kWh - Barchovice - 2023
Reconstruction of the existing boiler room and placement of a new heat pump - Mitsubishi Zubadan Inverter-New Generation - PUHZ-SHW80YAA - 8 kW along with installation of an indoor unit - Ecodan EHSD-YM9ED and subsequent connection to the existing accumulation vessel and further integration into the heating system of the property - Jablonec nad Nisou - 2023
Installation of 1.6 kWp photovoltaic water heating system together with installation of AZ WATER INVERTER with MPPT PVI-1P36 and connection to the existing boiler Dražice DZD OKCE 100 and subsequent integration into the domestic water heating system - Doubravčice - 2024
Installation of 1.6 kWp photovoltaic water heating system together with installation of AZ WATER INVERTER with MPPT PVI-1P36 and connection to the newly implemented boiler Dražice DZD OKCE 100 and subsequent integration into the domestic water heating system - Praha - Újezd nad Lesy - 2024
Reconstruction of the existing boiler room with the installation of the BUDERUS GB122i-24 condensing boiler and placement of the PAST techtrans 550 LL accumulation vessel with subsequent integration into the heating system of the property - Prague - 2024
Installation of a 9.35 kWp photovoltaic system featuring Einnova Solarline mono ESM-550S panels, complemented by 67.2 kWh of storage provided by PylonTech US5000C, all utilizing advanced Victron technology. This parallel setup also included the addition of a photothermal system with Suntime panels, air recuperation from Atrea, a Mitsubishi Zubadan heat pump with accumulation vessel PAST, and a wallbox for electric vehicle charging. The project encompassed full grid integration, system startup, and commissioning. - Fojtka - 2023
Installation of Solar Water Heating with a capacity of 2 kWp uses Trina Vertex S TSM-DE09R.08 panels, along with the solar MPPT regulator PVI-1P36 AZ Water Inverter. The project also included the installation of a new electric water heater, Dražice OKCE 125, which increased the hot water capacity by 120 liters. The installation was subsequently integrated into the existing household water heating system. - Stráž nad Nisou - 2024
About company ENESO
Company ENESO was founded in 2009 and since its origin has been engaged in design-implementation-service of photothermal and photovoltaic solar systems, electronic security systems, GSM cameras and heating. Solar panels are used for year-round water heating in homes and are designed to make the most of the impact of the solar rays throughout the year, while at the same time returning the initial investment as quickly as possible.
More about company ENESO14
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the market
Eneso s.r.o.
Headquarters: Žitavská 56/50, 460 01 Liberec (map)
Prague office: Podnikatelská 565, 190 11 Praha 9 - Běchovice (Areál BĚCHOVICE KKIG budova 10A) (mapa)
Brno office: Božetěchova 133,
612 00 Brno - Královo Pole (map)
Owner & executive director: Ing. Alois Láska, Ph.D.
Phone: +420 605 502 676
IN: 22772804 │ TIN: CZ22772804
File mark:
C 30960 registered at the Regional Court in Ústí nad Labem
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